A badge is a small, decorative emblem that is worn on clothing or equipment as a sign of membership, rank, or achievement. Badges can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, cloth, and plastic. They are often embroidered with text, designs, and symbols.
Hand Embroidery UK was contacted by a golf club in the UK to create machine-embroidered badges for their captains. The client wanted the badges to be made for different years so that they could be used for future captains as well.
The client provided Hand Embroidery UK with the following requirements for the badges:
• The badges should be made from high-quality materials that can withstand regular wear and tear.
• The badges should be machine embroidered with the golf club's logo, and the year of the captaincy.
• Badges for different years including 2023, 2033, 2035, 2039, 2041, and many more.
The Solution
Hand Embroidery UK worked closely with the client to design and create badges that met all of their requirements. The badges were made from high-quality cloth and embroidered with high-quality thread to ensure that they would be durable and long-lasting.
The badges were also embroidered with the golf club's logo, and the year of the captaincy.
The client was very pleased with the finished badges.